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When I Sell My Cream From The Separator They Say They Cannot Whip It

Categories: Live Stock and Dairy

Can you tell me if there is any way that I can make the cream whip?

There appears to be no good reason for blaming the separator for your

difficulty with the cream. Possibly the cream may be too thin, as thin

cream is sometimes difficult to whip. There is also the possibility that

the fat globules in the cream may be rather small, but that will be the

fault of the cows, not of the separator. Another reason why the cre

may not whip well may be that it is used too quickly. If the milk is all

right, the cream not too thin and it is permitted to stand for 12 hours

or so there should be no trouble with it. Occasionally when cream is

pasteurized it will not whip well. In these cases, or any other that may

develop, the application of lime water to the cream at the rate of 1

gallon to 60 will remove the difficulty.

What Is Certified Milk?

What process has milk to go through to be called "certified," and what

demand is there for it?

Certified milk is simply milk that is produced and marketed under

prescribed sanitary conditions. The dairies are inspected periodically

by representatives of some medical society or other organization to see

that all regulations are observed, who certify that this is done; hence

the name. Milk from other dairies is prohibited by law from being sold

under the name "certified milk." Among the requirements in its

production are that the cows must be free from tuberculosis and

otherwise perfectly healthy, the stable to have a concrete floor which

is washed out after each milking, the milkers to have special clothes

for milking, etc. The milk is cooled and bottled immediately after

milking, and kept at a low temperature until it reaches the consumer, to

prevent the entrance of dirt of any kind or the development of the few

bacteria that must gain entrance before it is bottled. To produce such

milk requires much expensive apparatus and much more labor than to

produce ordinary milk, and as a result it sells for a much higher price,

both to distributor and consumer, so that the market for it is rather


