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Walnuts In Alfalfa

Categories: Fruit Growing

Will the walnut trees be injured in any way by irrigating them at the

same time and manner as the alfalfa - that is, by flooding the land

between the checks? Will the walnuts make as good a growth when planted

in the alfalfa, and the ground cultivated two or three feet around the

tree, as though the alfalfa was entirely removed? Is it advisable to

plant the trees on the checks rather than between the checks?

/> Walnut trees will do well, providing you do not irrigate the alfalfa

sufficiently to waterlog the trees; providing also that you do use water

enough so that the trees will not be robbed of moisture by the alfalfa.

This method of growing trees will be, of course, safer and probably more

satisfactory if your soil is deep and loamy, as it should be to get the

best results with both alfalfa and walnuts. It would be better to have

the trees stand so that the water does not come into direct contact with

the bark, although walnut trees are irrigated by surrounding them with

check levees. Planting walnut trees in an old stand of alfalfa is harder

on the tree than to start alfalfa after the trees have taken hold,

because the alfalfa roots like to hang on to their advantage. In

planting in an old field, we should plow strips, say, five feet wide and

keep it cultivated rather than to try to start the trees in pot-holes,

although with extra care they might go that way.

