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Roup In Turkeys

Categories: Poultry Keeping

My turkeys have a disease that is spreading rapidly. They commence with

a running at the nose, have swelling under the eyes which are filled

with pus.

This is clearly a case of cold developing into roup. Get one ounce of

permanganate of potash and pour a quart of boiling water over; after it

is cold, bottle for use. Now take an old tin can, three parts full of

warm, not hot water, and drop in enough of th
permanganate of potash to

make it dark red. Hold the turk's head under in this can until it needs

breath then give it time to breathe, and dip again. Press the fingers

along the swollen parts towards the nostrils and get out all the pus you

can, then take a sewing-machine oil can and fill it with a little of the

mixture, and part olive oil, inject the liquid up the nostrils and in

the cleft of the mouth. Put a little of the permanganate in the drinking

water for all the flock. Make the water a light red, later it will turn

to a dirty brown, but don't mind that.

