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Rickets In Hogs

Categories: Diseases of Animals

A fine boar, 16 months old, weight about 380 pounds, well built, with

little surplus fat, until lately has been very thrifty, but appears to

be losing control over his legs. Can't step over the smallest stick

without falling forward and acts like a foundered animal. He carries his

back rather arching since this trouble came on. During my absence from

home a hired man gave this boar a good beating with a pick handle, and

it appears to have been the beginning of his troubles.

This disease is Osteo Rachitis (rickets). The abuse has probably

aggravated the symptoms: This condition is due to a lack of hardening

principles in the bones. Give 4 ounces of cod liver oil daily and plenty

of lime water to drink. It will be all right to use him for breeding

when he recovers. In addition to good food and pure water give daily a

handful of a mixture of principally ashes and burned barley (charcoal)

with the usual addition of salt, sulphur and soda. This mixture is good:

Pulv. dried, iron sulphate, 4 ounces; soda bi-carbonate, 8 ounces; soda

salicylate, 2 drachms; pulv. aniseed, 4 ounces. Mix and give one-half

teaspoonful twice daily.

