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Roots For Orange Trees

Categories: Fruit Growing

What are the conditions most favorable to orange trees budded upon sour

stock; also upon sweet stock and trifoliata?

The sour stock is believed to be more hardy against trying conditions of

soil moisture - both excess and deficiency, and diseases incident

thereto. The sweet stock is a free growing and satisfactory stock and

most of the older orchards are upon this root, but it is held to be less

resistant of soil troubles than the sour stock, and therefore

propagators are now largely using the latter. The trifoliata has been

promoted as more likely to induce dormancy of the top growth during cold

weather, because of its own deciduous habit. It has also been advocated

as likely to induce earlier maturity in the fruit and thus minister to

early marketing. The objection urged against it has been a claimed

dwarfing of the tree worked upon it.

