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Grain And Pasture For Pigs

Categories: Feeding Farm Animals

What is the most profitable amount of grain to feed to spring pigs while

on alfalfa pasture, from the time of weaning to the time of marketing?

We doubt the profit of feeding whole grain to hogs of any age while on

green pasture. On almost all kinds of land they will get enough grit to

keep their teeth sore, hence they will not masticate the grain

thoroughly. Perfect mastication is very essential. We would feed the

pigs all the slop that they would clean up good twice a day. The slop to

be composed of equal parts of corn, barley meal ground fine, and wheat

middlings mixed with milk. There is nothing in all the world like milk

for growing pigs. If milk is not to be had, we would add from 5 to 10

per cent meat meal, which we consider next to milk. If whole grain is to

be used, it should be thoroughly cooked on account of the pigs' teeth

not being in condition to chew the hard grain. - Chas. Goodman.

