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The Value Of Manure


It is not possible to put a commercial valuation

upon farm manures that may be a sure guide to any farmer. The value

depends upon what the individual can get out of it in crops and

improved soil conditions. It is rather idle to say that the annual

product of a horse in the form of manure is $30, or more or less, even

when an analysis shows that the nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash

contained in it are worth that su
when valued at the market prices of

those plant constituents. If the total amount of fertility found in the

voidings of all the animals of the farm were provided in a pile of

commercial fertilizer containing the same amount of each plant

constituent, its worth to the farmer would depend upon his ability to

convert all that fertility into crops at a profit. There are farmers so

situated in respect to soils, crops, and markets that they can make a

good profit from an investment of $30 in the total liquid and solid

voidings of a horse for a year. On the other hand, there are many who

would fail. The values usually given are relative and suggestive. They

are aids in forming judgment. Actual value on the farm depends much on

the man.

