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Temperature And Moisture For The English Walnut

Categories: Fruit Growing

What amount of freezing and drouth can English walnuts stand? Under what

conditions is irrigation necessary?

The walnut tree will endure hard freezing, providing it comes when the

tree is dormant, because they are successfully grown in some parts of

the Eastern States, though not to a large extent; but the walnut tree is

subject to injury from lighter frosts, providing they follow

temperatures which have
nduced activity in the tree. On the Pacific

Coast the walnut is successfully grown as far north as the State of

Washington, but even in California there are elevations where frosts are

likely to occur when the tree is active, and these may be destructive to

its profit, although they may not injure the tree. You are not safe in

planting walnuts to any extent except in places where you can find trees

bearing satisfactorily. Planting elsewhere is, of course, an

enterprising experimental thing to do, but very risky as a line of

investment. Irrigation is required if the annual rainfall, coupled with

the retentiveness of the soil and good cultivation, do not give moisture

enough to carry the tree well into the autumn, maintaining activity in

the leaves some little time after the fruit is gathered.

