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The Farm Scheme


Notwithstanding some of the theorizing that does not

commend itself to the practical man, farm management is taking on the

form of a science. It involves the organization of a farm for best

results, and in the scheme that should be worked out for any particular

farm the most important feature is the crop-rotation. The selection of

crops is controlled by so many local considerations, including the

personal likes and dis
ikes of the farmer, that very rightly the kinds

of rotation are innumerable. The order in which crops may be grown with

most profit is less variable, and yet even here local conditions may

quickly derange the scheme of a theorist. There is, however, such right

relation of facts to each other that we are getting a working

philosophy, and the individual farmer can bend practice to his own

liking in considerable degree, and yet not compel plants to do their

part at a disadvantage. He has much liberty in the order of their

growing, without endangering profits materially. Theoretically, this is

not true, and the factors of production on any farm are such that the

largest return is obtainable in only one scheme of farming. Practically

there is rather wide liberty.

