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Control Of Red Spider

Categories: Pests and Diseases of Plants

Can you give directions for the prevention of injury by the red spider

to almond and other trees in the Sacramento volley?

The red spider on almond and prune trees is usually controlled by the

thorough application of dry sulphur to the foliage. On almonds the first

sulphuring should be done as soon as the leaves appear in March. A

second application is advised from the 1st to the 10th of May. A third

cation should be made from the 1st to the 10th of June. Prune trees

should be treated as soon as the spider appears. In the Sacramento

valley this usually occurs about the first week of July. Full-grown

trees require about a pound of sulphur which should be thoroughly

distributed throughout the foliage. The old method of throwing a handful

of sulphur in the branches of the tree or on the ground under the tree

is valueless. The use of a blower is economical in large orchards, but a

can with perforated bottom is frequently used on young trees or small

orchards with good results. In normal seasons the spider is easily,

controlled by dry sulphuring. When the pest does not yield to this

treatment, a spray is recommended.

