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The compost, involving the handling of manure and soil, has

no rightful place on the average farm. The gardener or trucker using

great quantities of manure per acre must let some of the fermentation

occur before he incorporates it with the soil, or harm will result. He

wants reduction in volume, and such change in character that it will

add to the retentive character of the soil respecting moisture instead

of drying th
soil out. He can afford all the labor of piling the

manure with layers of sods or other material, and the turning to secure

mixing. It is his business to watch it so that loss will not occur.

The farmer uses manure in smaller quantities per acre. Probably all his

fields need the full action of the organic matter in its rotting. The

percentage of humus-making material is low. The place for fresh manure

is on the land, when this is feasible. The covered shed is a device for

holding manure with least possible loss when spreading cannot be done,

or a supply must be carried over for land in the summer. The gain in

condition is only incidental, and an advantage chiefly to vegetables.

The composting of manure by gardeners is not a practice to be copied on

most farms.

