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Consult The Trees

Categories: Soils, Fertilizers and Irrigation

Can I send you a little soil out of my one-year-old pear orchard so that

you can advise me what I can do to improve its fertility. The trees are

fairly thrifty, but as fruit growing is my pleasure I wish to make it a

model orchard and add whatever it requires of nitrogen, humus, etc.,

immediately so as to increase the growth for this summer. Next winter I

intend to put manure around them and cultivate about every other month.

Careful experimenting with fertilizers will teach you more than analysis

would do, because the behavior of the tree under various conditions

tells you more than a chemist possibly could. Besides, we are of the

conviction that on good soils young fruit trees should not be pushed

beyond the growth which they would naturally make with a regular and

adequate moisture supply. Be careful about using fertilizers on young

trees, either in the summer or in the winter. When they come to bearing

age and yield large crops of fruit, that is another question. Any

California soil which will not grow young fruit trees thriftily should

not be used for orchard purposes unless an amateur desires to grow trees

on a picturesque lot of rocks or sand.

