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Wheat And Barley For Feeding

Categories: Diseases of Animals

What is the difference in the feeding value of wheat and barley for hogs

and horses?

There is very little difference in the chemical composition of wheat and

barley. In their physical condition there is much difference, chiefly

because of the adhering chaff of the barley, which makes it more

digestible because it separates the starchy mass and enables the gastric

juice to work upon the particles more readily and quickly. Oats also

have this character. This is very important in the case of horses, which

can quickly be put out of condition by feeding wheat. For hogs and

chickens it makes much less difference, and the absence of the chaff

gives a greater amount of nutritive matter to the ton, so that wheat is

worth more at the same ton price. But look out about giving horses too

much wheat.

