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Up To A Week Ago The Chickens Had Been Exceptionally Well In Every Way

Categories: Poultry Keeping

Now they seem to have a cold and a running at the nose and with it a bad

odor. It was suggested that this might be the beginning of roup, but I

see no swell-head.

The distinguishing characteristic of roup is not so-called "swell head"

or other form of cold, but the offensive roupy odor. When the cold has

reached this stage it is a pronounced case of roup, and highly

contagious. Separate all the ailing fow
s and segregate them in

comfortable hospital quarters, warm but with one side partly open for

fresh air. Disinfect the quarters of the well fowls by spraying with

distillate or cheap-grade coal oil and sprinkling the floors and about

the houses with air-slaked lime. Use some simple remedy like coal oil or

permanganate of potash to cleanse the throat and nostrils. With coal

oil, first wipe the eyes and bill with a clean cloth dipped in the coal

oil, then inject with a sewing-machine oil can enough coal oil to

open and thoroughly clean out the nostrils. If the throat is affected,

give a tablespoonful of sweet oil and coal oil, half and half, two or

three times a day until relieved. One of our correspondents has sent us

the following treatment with permanganate of potash which he has found

the best roup remedy he has ever tried: Dissolve 1 ounce of permanganate

of potash in 3 pints of water, hold the fowl's head in this for a

second, then open the beak and rinse out the mouth in the solution. Wipe

with a clean, soft cloth and apply a very little witch hazel or

carbolated salve to the eyes, nostrils and head. Repeat the operation as

often as the throat and head become clogged with mucus. Until the

disease is eliminated from the premises, keep permanganate of potash in

the drinking water of all the fowls, both sick and well. About 1 ounce

to each 2 gallons of water or enough to give the water a claret color.

The sick fowls should be allowed no other feed but a little stimulating

mash three times a day. Where the fowls do not show a decided

improvement in the course of a few days, or where the disease has

assumed a violent form, all such birds should be killed and the bodies

burned at once.

