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The Farm Garden

Categories: FEED STUFFS

Every farmer needs a garden in which to grow not only vegetables but

small fruits for the home table.

The garden should always be within convenient distance of the farmhouse.

If possible, the spot selected should have a soil of mixed loam and

clay. Every foot of soil in the garden should be made rich and mellow by

manure and cultivation. The worst soils for the home garden are light,

sandy soils, or stiff
clayey soils; but any soil, by judicious and

intelligent culture, can be made suitable.

In laying out the garden we should bear in mind that hand labor is the

most expensive kind of labor. Hence we should not, as is commonly done,

lay off the garden spot in the form of a square, but we should mark off

for our purpose a long, narrow piece of land, so that the cultivating

tools may all be conveniently drawn by a horse or a mule. The use of the

plow and the horse cultivator enables the cultivation of the garden to

be done quickly, easily, and cheaply.

Each vegetable or fruit should be planted in rows, and not in little

patches. Beginning with one side of the garden the following plan of

arrangement is simple and complete: two rows to corn for table use; two

to cabbages, beets, radishes, and eggplants; two to onions, peas, and

beans; two to oyster-plants, okra, parsley, and turnips; two to

tomatoes; then four on the other side can be used for strawberries,

blackberries, raspberries, currants, and gooseberries.

The garden, when so arranged, can be tilled in the spring and tended

throughout the growing season with little labor and little loss of time.

In return for this odd-hour work, the farmer's family will have

throughout the year an abundance of fresh, palatable, and health-giving

vegetables and small fruits.

The keynote of successful gardening is to stir the soil. Stir it often

with four objects in view:

1. To destroy weeds.

2. To let air enter the soil.

3. To enrich the soil by the action of the air.

4. To retain the moisture by preventing its evaporation.



cabbage beets radishes

cabbage beets eggplants

onions peas beans

onions peas beans

oyster-plants okra parsley parsnips

oyster-plants okra parsley parsnips



strawberries currants raspberries blackberries

strawberries currants raspberries blackberries

strawberries currants raspberries blackberries

strawberries currants raspberries blackberries

This illustration shows that practically every garden vegetable and all

the small fruits can be included in the farm garden, and all the work be

done by horse-drawn tools.

[Footnote 1: The number of rows and arrangement of the vegetables in the

outline above are merely suggestive. They should be changed to meet the

needs and the tastes of each particular family.]

