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Sunburn And Borers

Categories: Pests and Diseases of Plants

Please state the best remedy for keeping the borer out of young fruit


Sunburn can be prevented in many ways. The manufactured tree-protectors

are good if they are light colored and are kept in place so that the sun

does not scald above or below them. Wrapping spirally with narrow strips

of burlap, torn from old grain sacks, from the base to the forking of

the branches, is also good. A very effective and widely used method is

to apply a good durable whitewash which may be made of 30 pounds of

lime, 4 pounds of tallow and 5 pounds of salt, adding the salt to the

water used in slaking the lime, stirring in the tallow while the slaking

is in progress and hot, and then adding water to thin the wash so that

it will work well with pump or brush.

