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Forage Plants In The Foothills

Categories: Grains and Forage Crops

We have 3,000 acres of foothill land and hope to be able to irrigate

some land this spring and wish to know the best forage crops, for sheep

and hogs, especially. Kafir corn, stock peas, rape, sugar-beets and

artichokes are the varieties about which we desire information.

Where you have irrigation water available in the foothills you can get a

very satisfactory growth of red clover. We have seen it doing very well
on sloping land in your county where water was allowed to spill over

from a ditch on the ridge to moisten the slope below. Winter rye and

other hardy stock feeds could also be grown in the winter time on the

protected slopes with the rainfall. Some such plants are not good summer

growers, owing to the drought. Rape is a good winter grower by rainfall,

but not so satisfactory as vetches and kale. Sugar beets are not so good

for stock purposes as stock beets, which give you much more growth for

the same labor and are more easily gathered because they grow a good

part out of the ground. They will stand considerable freezing and may be

sown at different times throughout the year, whenever the land is moist,

either by irrigation or rainfall. Artichokes are of doubtful value. We

have never found anyone who continued to grow them long. Of course, on

good, deep land, with irrigation, nothing can be better than alfalfa as

supplementary to hill range during the summer season.

