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Dipping Fowls

Categories: Poultry Keeping

How do you dip hens to kill lice?

To dip fowls you must have a very warm day, or a warm room where you can

turn them in to dry. I have know people to use tobacco stems, but it

requires good judgment as to the right strength to use. The dips usually

sold already prepared are safer, in my opinion, because they give

directions as to quantity. Get a can of "zenoleum" or "creolium" -

either is good - and have
he water a little over blood-heat to

commence; be very careful that the liquid does not get in the fowl's

throat. If there are no directions with the cans, put enough in to make

the water quite milky and strong smelling. It is best to make the hen

sit down and with a sponge wet the back and head thoroughly, then under

the wings and breast; if there are nits, don't be in a hurry to take

the hen out, but let the dip get to the nits and skin on the abdomen. If

the water is too warm it will be dangerous, as some fowls have weak

hearts; that is the only danger, providing you dry them quickly.

