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Budding Old Olives

Categories: Fruit Growing

I have seedling olive trees, set out in 1904, which I wish to change

over to the Ascolano variety. Which is the best way to do it, by budding

or grafting, and what is the proper time?

Twig-budding brings the sap of the stock to bear upon a young lateral or

tip bud, which is much easier to start than dormant buds used either as

buds or grafts. A short twig about an inch and a half in length is taken

with some of the bark of the small branch from which it starts, and both

twig and bark at its base are put in a bark slit like an ordinary shield

bud and tied closely with a waxed band, although if the sap is moving

freely it would probably do with a string or raffia tie. Put in such

buds as growth is starting in the spring.

