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Animal Bone


The original source of phosphoric acid as a fertilizer

was animal bone, just as hard-wood, unleached ashes were the source of

potash. The organic character of the animal bone made it appear more

truly a manure than could any rock or other inorganic substance. There

is no more satisfactory source of phosphoric acid than animal bone, and

if it were in full supply for the needs of soils, there would be little

occasion to
iscuss the merits of rock-phosphate and other similar

materials. The supply is a small fraction of the need. If all animal

bone were carefully saved and returned to the land that produced all of

our animals, it would return to the soil only what those animals

carried away in their bones, and that is indeed a small fraction of all

the draft our crops make upon the soil's supply of this one substance.

Some of the best animal bone goes into the manufacture of articles that

never contribute anything to the soil, and there are other sources of

loss. The supply of phosphoric acid from bone is too small, when

compared with the land's need, to deserve more than a small fraction of

the consideration it receives by users of commercial fertilizers.

The peculiar situation respecting animal bone has come about through a

form of deceit. The demand for bone existed, and there was no legal

restraint in the matter of branding phosphatic rock as "bone,"

"bone-phosphate," etc. In the past, nearly all forms of rock-phosphates

have carried the word "bone" on the bag to quiet the apprehension of

those who entertained a prejudice against anything other than animal

bone. Nearly all the phosphoric acid has come from rock, and its use

has been necessary and profitable, but the misrepresentation fostered

the old-time prejudice. Within recent years some manufacturers have

tired of the seeming deceit that served no purpose with many customers,

and have placed acid phosphate and mixed goods upon the market without

the intimation that the phosphoric acid was derived from animal bone.

The demand for bone makes prices high for the very limited amount upon

the market, when availability is taken into account, and the advice

that such goods be used would be valueless if it had any general

acceptance. Prices would go higher, and the amount in the world would

remain wholly inadequate.

