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Young Trees Dropping Fruit

Categories: Fruit Growing

I have a few citrus fruit trees about three years old. They have made a

good growth and are between seven and eight feet high with a good shaped

top or head. I did not expect any fruit last year and did not have any.

This spring they blossomed irregularly at blooming time, but quite an

amount of fruit set and grew as large as marbles, some of it the size of

a walnut, but lately it has about all fallen off the trees.

There is always more or less dropping from fruit trees. Some years large

numbers of oranges drop. There may be many causes, and the trouble has

thus far not been found preventable. When the foliage is good and the

growth satisfactory, the young tree is certainly not in need of

anything. It is rather more likely that fruit is dropped by the young

trees owing to their excessive vegetative vigor, for it is a general

fact that fruit trees which are growing very fast are less certain in

fruit-setting. It is, of course, possible that you have been forcing

such action by too free use of water. You will do well to let your trees

go along so long as they appear thrifty and satisfactory, and expect

better fruiting when they become older.

