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Suggested Mixtures For Pastures


For ordinary conditions, Williams

suggests the following mixture for an acre of land:

Blue-grass 10 pounds

Timothy 6 pounds

Red-top 6 pounds

Orchard grass 4 pounds

Red clover 4 pounds

Alsike clover 2 pounds

For use on rather wet lands, and especially off the limestone, he<
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Red-top 12 pounds

Blue-grass 8 pounds

Timothy 4 pounds

Alsike clover 4 pounds

Hunt recommends the following as a basis, to be modified to suit

varying conditions:

Timothy 15 pounds

Kentucky blue-grass 10 pounds

Meadow fescue 2 pounds

Red clover 4 pounds

Alsike clover 3 pounds

White clover 2 pounds

The Cornell station recommends the following for good land:

Timothy 8 to 12 pounds

Kentucky blue-grass 4 pounds

Meadow fescue 1 to 4 pounds

Orchard grass 1 to 4 pounds

Red clover 6 pounds

Alsike clover 3 pounds

White clover 1 to 2 pounds

For poor lands it recommends this mixture:

Timothy 8 to 12 pounds

Red-top 4 pounds

Canadian blue-grass 4 pounds

Red clover 6 pounds

Alsike clover 3 pounds

White clover 1 pound

Zinn, of West Virginia, recommends the following mixture for permanent


Timothy 4 pounds

Red-top 4 pounds

Orchard grass 4 pounds

Kentucky blue-grass 7 pounds

Red clover 2 pounds

Alsike clover 2 pounds

White clover 1 pound

