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Selection Of Crops


The natural inclination of the farmer is a

consideration that cannot be ignored. If a man does not like certain

kinds of animals or crops, his farm or market must possess an unusual

every farming community.

As a rule, the crops should be those that are well adapted to the

particular soils upon which they are grown. It is up-hill work to

compete with producers whose soils have far better adaptation, unless

the local markets equalize conditions.

The crops should follow each other in such succession that each crop

naturally paves the way for the next one in the succession, or at least

does not place its successor at a disadvantage.

When it is feasible, a rather large proportion of the entire produce of

the rotation should be feeding-stuff for livestock, as soil fertility

is most easily guarded by livestock farming. This is desirable when

consistent with profit, but, as we have seen, it is not an absolute


