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Poultry Manure

Categories: Soils, Fertilizers and Irrigation

Give directions for using chicken manure. For use of young trees, is

there any difference in treatment of deciduous and citrus trees? For use

in the vegetable garden and the flower garden, what should be mixed with

it and in what proportions? So many people say poultry manure is so

strong, I am afraid to use it.

It is a fact that poultry manure, free from earth, contains even as high

as four times as much
plant food as ordinary stable manure. It is,

therefore, to be used with proportional care, so that the plants shall

not receive too much, and particularly so that there may not be too much

collected in one place. Probably the best way to guard against this is

to thoroughly mix the manure with three or four times its bulk of

ordinary garden soil and then use this mixture at about the same rate

you would stable manure. If you do not desire to go to all this trouble,

make an even scattering of the manure and work it into the soil. There

is no reason to fear the material; simply guard against the unwise use

of it. It is good for all the plants which you mention; in fact, for any

plant grown, provided it is sparingly and evenly distributed.

It should be pulverized so that there shall not be lumps and masses in

the same place for fear of root injury. Of course, the strength depends

upon how much earth is gathered up with the manure. Sometimes there is

so much waste material that it can be handled just as ordinary farm

manure is.

We should not use over 20 pounds of clean droppings to a young tree and

should mix it with the soil for a considerable distance around the tree.

Old bearing trees might stand two or three tons to the acre if

distributed all over the ground. The material contains everything that

is necessary for the growth of the tree and formation of the fruit.

