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Phosphoric-acid Requirements


Soil analyses show that the content of

phosphoric acid in most soils of this country is relatively small. The

results of experiments with the various constituents of fertilizers are

in accord with this fact. Fertilizer experiments at the various

stations and on farms are nearly a unit in showing that if any need in

plant-food exists, phosphoric acid is deficient. When crop-producing

power decreases, and the farmer begins to seek a commercial fertilizer

to repair the loss, he finds that bone-dust or acid phosphate is

serviceable. The resulting increase in yield often leads to such sole

dependence upon this fertilizer that clover and manure are disregarded,

the percentage of humus is allowed to drop, and finally the fertilizer

is brought into disrepute. The need of phosphoric acid is so common

that it is the sole plant-food in much fertilizer, and the dominant

element in practically all the remainder on the market.

