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Permanent Pastures


There is a large total area of land that can be

brought into profitable production of food only by means of pasture

grasses. A small part is too low and moist for tillage, but a larger

part is too rough or too infertile. It can be made to yield profit in

grasses that are harvested without expense by animals. The grasses

afford feed and at the same time protect the soil from waste. The

efficiency of much pasture land is kept low by poor stands of grass,

the encroachment of weeds, bushes, and briers, close grazing, and the

failure to supply fertility. When making a sod for mowing, the aim is

to select varieties of plants that mature near the same time. Pastures

need varieties maturing at different times, and this is a matter under

control when temporary pastures are used. Permanent pasture land soon

becomes occupied by the grasses best fitted to soil conditions or most

able to crowd other plants.

