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Olives From Small Cuttings

Categories: Fruit Growing

In the rooting of small soft-wood olive cuttings is it necessary to

cover same with glass - say perhaps prepare a cold-frame and put stable

manure in the bottom with about eight inches of sand on top?

It ceases to be a cold-frame when you cover in manure for bottom heat;

it becomes a hotbed. Varieties of olives differ greatly in the readiness

with which they start from small cuttings. Some start freely and grow

well in boxes of sand under partial shade - like a lath house or cover.

Some need bottom heat in such a hotbed as you describe with a cloth

over; some start well in a cold-frame with a lath cover. To get the best

results with all kinds, it is safer to use some more heat than comes

from exposure to ordinary temperatures - either by concentration, as in

a covered frame, or by a mild bottom heat. If you have glass frames or

greenhouse, they are, of course, desirable, but much can be done without

that expense.

