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Method Of Plowing

Categories: TILLAGE

The depth of plowing should be fixed largely by the

amount of organic matter in the soil. It is essential that a good

percentage of this material should be mixed throughout the soil, and

when it is in scant supply, the depth of plowing usually should not be

great. Fertile soils should be plowed deep for their own good, and thin

soils should be deepened gradually, as sods and manures afford a supply

of humus-making mate
ial. Even when manure is used liberally in a

single application on a poor soil, a large amount of inert subsoil

should not be thrown upon the surface. The manure goes out of reach of

the greatest need, which is in the surface soil where plant-life

starts. A gradual process of deepening the soil is to be preferred, but

such deepening should not be neglected. The subsoil is a store of inert

fertility that should not remain dormant.

It may not do to say that the success of the best farmers is due to

thoroughness in plowing, but it is true that the more successful ones

are insistent that the plowing be absolutely thorough. Every inch of

the soil should be stirred to a certain depth, and that requires a plow

so set that it does not turn a furrow-slice much wider than the point

can cut. Evenness in depth and width of furrow is seen in good plowing.

