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Manure On Potatoes


There are excellent cash crops that may get more

than their fair share of the farm supply of fertility, and against the

interest of fields in the farm not adapted to cash crops. The

justification is found in the farm ledger. In some regions potatoes are

the best crop in point of net income per acre, where the acreage is

kept restricted so that there may be plenty of organic matter to help

in conserving moisture. It is
ot good practice to use fresh manure,

and especially that from horse-stables, for potatoes. A heavy

application makes an excessive growth of vine, and the yield of tubers

suffers. A stronger deterrent is the effect that fresh manure has on

the development of the spores that produce the disease known as

potato-scab. Rotted manure is less dangerous, and few crops repay its

use in higher degree than the potato. Some growers prefer to make heavy

application of fresh manure to grass for corn, and follow with potatoes

so that they can profit by the rotted organic matter that remains. In

this way the physical condition is made excellent, moisture is well

held in a dry season, and commercial fertilizers can supplement the

plant-food left in the manure.

