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Irrigation Of Potatoes

Categories: Soils, Fertilizers and Irrigation

Will you kindly tell me when is the proper time to irrigate potatoes,

before they bloom or after they bloom, and do they require much water?

It should seldom be necessary to irrigate potatoes after the bloom

appears. Potatoes do not need much water, and there is danger of giving

them too much. It is absolutely essential to see that there is no check

in the growth of the plant, for once the growth is at all checked by

drought, and irrigation is done, a new lot of potatoes start and new and

old growth of tubers are worthless. Give what irrigation is needed and

make cultivation do the rest. The secret of success is keeping the soil

continually at the right moisture, so that the first growth of the plant

may continue regularly until the tubers are brought to maturity.

