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Irrigating Alfalfa

Categories: Grains and Forage Crops

I am making parallel ridges for alfalfa, sending a full head of water

down to the end of the field between each ridge. Should I calculate the

lands to be mowed one at a time in even swaths? The mower being 5-foot

cut, would you count on cutting a 4 1/2 or 5-foot swath? This soil is

sandy, water percolating rapidly. The fall is 8 feet to the mile. How

wide, then, would you advise making the ridges to suit the mower, and to

/> flood economically, using from 2 to 4 cubic feet per second? The length

of the lands is across 40 acres.

Growing alfalfa in long parallel checks, to be flooded between the

levees, is the way in which much alfalfa is being put in at the present

time where the land has such a slope as you indicate. It is calculated,

however, to seed the levees as well as the check bottoms, and to run the

mowers across the levees, thus leaving no waste land and mowing across

the whole field and not between the levees as you propose. For that

purpose these levees are made low, not over a foot in height,

calculating that they will settle to about six or eight inches, which is

sufficient to hold the water and direct its flow gently down the slope.

There is, however, a limit to the distance over which water can be

evenly distributed in this way, the difference being dependent upon the

character of the soil, slope, etc. A length of nine hundred feet is

sometimes found too great for an even distribution, and, for this

reason, supply ditches at shorter intervals are introduced.

