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Growing Horse Beans

Categories: Vegetable Growing

Does the soil need to be inoculated for horse beans? I intend to plant

five acres about January 1, on the valley border in Placer county and

they get heavy frost in the morning. Does frost hurt them? How shall I

plant them?

California experience is that horse beans grow readily without

inoculation of the seed. Quite a good growth of the plant is being

secured in many parts of the State, particularly in th
coast region

where the plant seems to thrive best. It is one of the hardiest of the

bean family and will endure light frost. How hardy it will prove in your

place could be told only by a local experiment. Whether it can be

planted after frost danger is over, as corn is, and make satisfactory

growth and product in the dry heat of the interior summer must also be

determined by experience.

The horse bean is a tall growing, upright plant which is successfully

grown in rows far enough apart for cultivation, say about 2 1/2 feet,

the seed dropped thinly so that the plants will stand from 6 inches to 1

foot apart in the row.

