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Corn Growing For Silage

Categories: Grains and Forage Crops

With fair cultivation, will an acre produce about 10 tons of ensilage

without fertilization - it being bottom land? How should it be planted?

- the rows closer together than 3 feet, or should it be planted the

usual width between rows, and thick in the rows? If fertilizers were to

be used, what kind would you recommend? Would you recommend deep plowing

followed by a packer and harrow so as to preserve the moisture?

You ought to be able to get 10 tons of silage per acre from corn grown

on good corn land. It can be best grown in rows sufficiently distant for

cultivation, closer in the row than would be desirable for corn, and yet

not too crowded, because corn for silage should develop good ears and

should be cut for silage about the time when the glazing begins to

appear. If your land needs fertilization, stable manure or a "complete

fertilizer" of the dealers would be the proper thing to use. It would be

very desirable to plow corn land deeply the preceding fall, followed by

a packer or harrow to settle down the land below, but do not work down

fine. Keep the surface stirred from time to time during the winter and

put in the crop with the usual cultivation in the spring as soon as the

frost danger is over.

