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Common Source Of Losses


When we bear in mind that four fifths of all

the fertility removed from the land in the grains and coarse stuffs fed

on the farm may be recovered from the animals and returned to the soil,

we can appreciate the consideration that the care of manure should have

on every farm. The careless methods that prevail in most sections of

the country are an inheritance from the day when soils were new and

full of fertility. These
methods continue partly through a lack of

confidence in the statements that the liquid portion of animal

excrements, in average mixed stable manure, has nearly as great value

as the solid portion. If this fact were accepted, many of the losses

would be stopped. Another reason for continuance of careless methods is

failure to appreciate that the soluble portion of manure is the highly

valuable part, and that leaching in the barnyard carries away value

more rapidly than decrease in volume of manure indicates. The widely

demonstrated facts do not have effective acceptance, and enormous loss


Thorne found that manure placed in flat piles in the barnyard in

January, and allowed to lie until April, lost one third of its value.

Under the conditions prevailing on many farms the loss suffered by

exposure of manure is far greater.

