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Blackberries For Drying Only

Categories: Fruit Growing

What variety of blackberries or raspberries are the best for drying

purposes? Are berries successfully dried in evaporators? This is a

natural berry country. Wild blackberries are a wonder here.

Transportation facilities do not allow raising for the city market. In

your opinion, would the planting of ten acres in berries for drying be a


The blackberries chiefly grown in California are the Lawton,

and the Mammoth. The raspberry chiefly grown is the Cuthbert. There are

very few of these berries dried. It would be better to dry them in an

evaporator than in the sun, but little of it is done in this State. It

is doubtful whether it would pay to plant blackberries for drying only,

because there is such a large product flow in various places where the

berries are either sold fresh or sold to the cannery, and drying is only

done for the purpose of saving the crop if the prices for the other uses

are not satisfactory. To grow especially for drying would give you only

one chance of selling to advantage, and that the poorest.

